Our Mission
Our vision is to be the last Wealth Management practice you hire.
We feel integrity is essential to our business, and it is the foundation of our client relationships.
We start with a conversation about your goals and expectations, then develop an investment strategy to pursue them.
Follow-through is an integral part of our service model because it can make all the difference.
Our team is committed to our faith, family, clients, and community.
Five Principles for Our Clients

- Investment Plan - Develop a strategy tailored to your specific goals.
- Estate Plan - No matter what your net worth is, it is important to have an estate plan in place. Several basic elements include: a will, power of attorney, living will, health care surrogate and possibly a trust.
- Insurance to protect - Don't sacrifice your financial future; be prepared for the unexpected events in life.
- Emergency Fund - Build a cash reserve of 3-6 months of living expenses.
- Live within your means - Learn to manage your finances for the short & long term.
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It’s a game of integrity. There’s no referees out there. We all respect each other.
When you’re prepared, you’re more confident. When you have a strategy, you’re more comfortable.
In golf, as in life, it is the follow through that makes the difference.